Monday, 20 June 2011

Thanks to the Knifeman

A few weeks ago, Mick Fox, aka 'The Knifeman', from Ultra-Sharp got in touch with me via Twitter.

He'd spotted one of my dinner pics and had noticed the poor chopmanship used on the herbs.  Concerned, he suggested that he come and see me and sort my knives out.

Waiting for Mick to arrive I was a little nervous.  Not because I was due a visit from someone who calls himself The Knifeman.  No, Mick is a friendly bloke.  He always offers cooking tips to his followers on Twitter and he's recently organised a Cheesecake Competition in aid of Weston Park Hospital.

I was nervous because of the state of our knives.  They're not bad but they're hardly professional and they are a good couple of years old.  I wondered if Mick would take one look at them, laugh in my face and tell me to chuck them and get new ones.

Thankfully not.  He simply whipped them up, plonked them (carefully!) into a bucket and proceeded to take them outside.  Curious I had to follow.

Mick strolled to his van, threw open the back doors and set himself down at his work desk set up in the back.  It is here that Mick works his magic.

It seems that the sharpening steel that we had been using had been causing more harm than good as it's been misshaping the knife so there was a fair bit of work for Mick to do.  Having said that, just ten minutes later my revived knives were handed back to me.  There's no hanging around with Mick!

So, was there an improvement?  Hell yeah!  They have returned to their former glory and are as good as the day I bought them.  No more raggedly chopped herbs for me!

I'd recommend The Knifeman to anyone who wants to revive their set of knives.  You'll be in good company as Mick services most of the restaurants in Sheffield including The Milestone, Fischers & The Old Vicarage.  He charges around £1.50 per knife, but there is a minimum charge.

Get in touch with Mick at or follow him on Twitter for more info.

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